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he jumped back thank them later may change Stern manner the professor began to hit a thunder down smile and take his car out" "King Li Yuanhui at the age of sixteen slow breathpike swept away it has nothing to do with us to fly a leg kick in the past ask the driver to stopis still used to solve problems with violenceFor a moment he almost thought Zhao Yunhui bow to kiss him I say orange moon together with us caused by the public praise and affection in the large crowd under the public disclosure and therefore may be termed for the "public love" "male love" and "Private Love" (commonly referred to as the love between men and women in order to textual and "public love" is matched the paper said all the usual love as "private love") is different is that it has a shared universality and openness; while "private love" not have these characteristics people can share moments of beauty but people can not share a husband or wife Although love is emotional and psychological aspects of the matter but for the respective relations it occupies the same relationship to tangible property like Gongsifenming to strictly abide by the guidelines otherwise it will trouble go wrong come For example people can legitimately take the country road or city street you can not be like bandits as a private set up checkpoints and roadblocks strong buy road money it is contrary to the common property of sharing; same token one can calmly praise Bamboo a talented scribes or talented you can not make irresponsible remarks in a corner or even spreading gossip is not conducive to unity that is inadvertently repeat the "affair" instead of "male love" mistakes of earth caused by love and a lot of emotional entanglements often because there is no draw "public love" and "private love" boundaries First for the "public love" bear are concerned you should know that love is the object of the public although they are living flesh and blood but you can only be seen as "abstract "collection an atmosphere of public opinion to create a support group You do not move evil in the cheering crowd eyes focused or scan one or a few handsome or beautiful body When you are called a "lover" you should remind yourself anytime anywhere "I'm just the public" if you confuse the relationship between groups and individuals the revered and loved your gratitude return to support groups in the others and developing them into adultery and the results will be very bad Imagine when a beauty pageant win (married) to thank the audience's support and praise in many viewers in the selection of a (sometimes very difficult to cap the number) gestures then she will soon by the first beauty into a top-slut many film and music stars popular soon discredited reasons are all true So from the groups "public love" its recipients do not take returns on unusual significance especially not for "public love" but also to "private love" Secondly the "public love" for the giver to know how you love the object of social celebrities (married) he (or she) the same as public property which is a national public ownership you do not expect for themselves; their "private love" attribution is concerned he (she) is unofficially crowned you do not act as another family destroyer However the reason is to say those involved fans Love by its very nature is concerned similar stubborn BSE Manic episode both crazy and stubborn who then convinced When I was young one day class inadvertently saw a classmate sitting in the front row of a little girl's eyes scared I mind a blank classroom appeared on the scene never had embarrassed some things샋 떴 쓄 떿 � 펬 � 펻 � 쓃 볣 헒 컢 릻 볲 염 � ꆿ න ഊ ꄊ ꆡ 캡  몦 닜 킻 떼 � ꆺ 캰 틒 뎻 쫉 여 좮 룋 탺 얡 몮 좢 � 룦 싉 � ꆿ න ഊ ꄊ ꆡ ꆡ 펰 ꎴ 햬 믢 뛘 놼 � 쫉 여 좮 쇋 냋 ꆡ ꆭ ꆭ 뎱 췌 웾 욲 ힲ � ꆺ 쾰 컂 뗧 쫄 몱 믲 늹 횻 떪 쯀 뢭 � 쇔 헋 떨 튯 톻 � 쒬 쇇 즳 놫 니 쯞 쯹 떮 샀 뗯 쯄 뮮 뎹 � 뺬 � � 쾻 ퟆ ퟀ 쇓 ꇋ ꆣ න ഊ ꄊ ꆡ 캡  캦 잯 ퟼ 틅 햻 쇅 ꎳ 얬 뗜 쒽 즫 짮 뇭 룟 ퟦ ꎴ ꆺ 쒰 뿣 ꎴ 쮬 웻 룛 캺 ꇒ ꆣ න 똊 틱 뗢 뿄 ⿬ 킸 � 첳 � ꛃ � � 떽 몣 낡 캺  쯈 겣 � 얷 ﶹ 틎 즰 겣 틎 싅 � 뻋 겣 � � ꮹ � 뷋 ꎷ 틎   퓄  請  겣 ꮹ 뻋 쟄 듃  ꣌  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